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Vide Dressing "Leo's Closet"

I met Gemma through Instagram, she was excited about my project and I was excited about her son's closet. It got me thinking, rather than buying her clothes outright and putting them up on my shop, maybe I could give my clientele a little bit of background on the garments I'm selling. Everyone loves a good story and Gemma's story is, well.. lovely and inspiring. 

I love Gemma's aesthetic, her convictions and her spirit. She's got a knack for mobilizing her friends and followers, her #davozatucuerpo initiative has hundreds of women posting unedited photos of their beautiful (almost) naked bodies. If I could find so many reasons to like and admire Gemma, so would you! It doesn't hurt that she's dressed her son Leo impeccably since the moment he was born. You can see it all like a well styled editorial shoot on her Instagram (and below). 

I asked Gemma a few questions for the blog, I've translated it to english for all of you non-spanish speakers. Massive thank you to Gemma for the collaboration, and to Leo for passing along his clothes to a new owner!

¿Cuantos años tienes y cuantos tiene Leo? 

Tengo 32 años y Leo acaba de cumplir 3 años.

¿Donde vivís y de donde eres?

Vivimos en la ciudad de Barcelona, Leo ya nació aquí, pero yo y mi marido somos de un pueblo de Murcia llamado Jumilla. 

Describete en una frase

Soy una persona de contrastes, me encanta viajar y hacer mil planes en familia y a la vez me encanta la vida tranquila, llena de pequeños momentos cotidianos.

¿Cuando eras pequeña, cómo te vestías? 

La verdad es que mi madre tenía muy buen gusto para vestirme! Nunca me ponía vestidos típicos de la época, siempre me hacía looks muy cómodos y originales. Se salían de la norma en un pueblo pequeño en los años 90! 

¿Hay un estilo o marca particular que te atrae para ropa de niño?

Me encanta la ropa cómoda, colorida, unisex y sostenible. Nuestra marca favorita es Bobo Choses

¿Tienes ejemplos de cómo aplicas la vida sostenible en tu casa y con tu hijo?

Somos una familia poco materialista. Llevamos un tiempo apostando por un estilo de vida minimalista y con un abastecimiento zero Waste. Nuestra casa está llena de muebles restaurados o reciclados y hemos hecho del armario cápsula nuestro mantra.

Describe la ropa de tu colección. ¿Cual es tu pieza favorita?

Las prendas que he seleccionado para esta colaboración son prendas escogidas con mucho mimo, que tienen un valor sentimental para mi, ya que todas me traen recuerdos preciosos vividos con Leo. Me hace mucha ilusión que alguien pueda reutilizarlas y tengan otra oportunidad de vivir grandes aventuras. Toda la selección me encanta pero quizás mis favoritas sean los romper estampados de Bla clothing, pues son prendas de un algodón muy suave, muy cómodos y que me recuerdan a grandes momentos vividos el pasado verano.




How old are you and how old is Leo?

I’m 32 and Leo just turned 3

Where do you live and where are you from?

We live in Barcelona, Leo was born here, but my husband and I are from a small town called Jumilla in the province of Murcia

Describe yourself in a few words

There’s two sides to me: I love to travel and make loads of plans with family and at the same time I love to live a calm life full of little normal moments

How did you or your parents dress you when you were little?

The truth is my mom had great taste! She never clothed me in the typical dresses of that era, she put together really cool and comfy looks. It was totally out of the norm for a small town in the 90’s!

Do you gravitate towards a specific style when choosing clothes for Leo? And do you have a favorite brand?

I love comfy & colorful clothes that are gender neutral and sustainable. Our favorite brand is Bobo Choses.

Do you have examples of how you try to apply sustainable living to your home life?

We’re not very materialistic. We’ve been working for sometime on living a more minimal life, geared towards becoming zero waste. Our home is full of restored and recycled furniture and having a capsule wardrobe has become our mantra.

Tell us a bit about your collection, do you have any favorite pieces?
I’ve put a lot of care in selecting the clothes for this wardrobe, they have a lot of sentimental value for me, as they all bring back fond memories of Leo when he was younger. It makes me happy to know someone else will reuse them and give them the opportunity to have other great adventures.
I love the entire selection of clothes but my favorites might be the Bla rompers, they’re so soft, so comfy, and they remind me of some really nice times we had last summer.